A Rocky Odyssey

A performance featuring stones, sticks, songs and other stuff.
And an actress.

A Rocky Odyssey, premiered in Seville on the 2nd of March 2018 in Estrenarte Festival by Circus (Seville university cultural initiatives centre)

The Show

Theater of stones, sticks, songs and pots. And an actress.
Small-format show consisting of a table and five panels.

For all audiences from 4 years old.

Duration: 50 min.

Maximum capacity 80 people.


In the world of Rocks, there are a lots of rocks!
There are big rocks and small rocks and flat rocks and round rocks and...there is one twig with its leaf.
Rocks and twigs used to live in harmony, but not any more...

A Rock Odyssey it's a journey of discovery. 
It's about learning friendship, tolerance and nonconformity.

But A Rock Odyssey is also a game. It is Petra's game. She will show us her world of stones and in this world there are stones that will sing the blues to you. Stones obsessed with consumption and stones consumed by fear.
All of these characters help Petra to tell us the story of this odyssey: Roca's trip.


Technical requirements

The show is technically autonomous.
It can be performed in different spaces:
Classrooms, libraries, street, assembly halls....

Set up time with lights: 3:30 h.
Set up time without lights: 2 h.
Load out: 1 h.
Performance space minimum dimensions: 6m x 4m.

Lighting board in THEATER.
Programmable table.
12 Dimmer channels.
3 cuts 36 minimum.
6 PC'S 1000W.
2 PAR Nº5 or 4 PAR LED.
3 PAR F-1. (provided by the company)

2 channels minimum.
Minijack connection for computer.



Conceived by Marisa Refoyo.
Directed by Maite Campos.
Performed by Marisa Refoyo.
Set designer Fabián Huertes Castillo.
Lighting designer Eneko Álamo.
Music and sound designer Adrián Rincón.
Production: LAPEPEPITA & LaPuri.

Todos los derechos LAPEPEPITA Teatro 2018